The Bimbo's Club
Why do we call ourselves “The bimbos”? I don't think anyone of us would ever dye our hair blonde. Nor will we ever admit that we're stupid to those who matters. We only act stupid when we’re stopped by a traffic police. We seem to have pretty normal IQ, although nowadays we'd like to be recognized as having higher EQ than IQ. So what's this about calling ourselves a bunch of bimbos? Well, here's the story.Do you remember history class back in school? We read about great warriors of the past, the glamorous days of Acheh(which by the way was recently wiped out by a HUGE tatami.. oopss.. i meant tsunami), the brave attack of the Dutch, the English..etc.. and ofcourse, we read about one of our favourite guys in history, how Nabi Muhammad, sitting in a cave somehow and somehow received his first 'wahyu' bestowed straight from Heaven.
I was sitting in a car some time ago, caught in a jam, on the way to a client’s office. In the midst of trying to remember the list of things I needed to say when I see the client later, this thought(similar to a wahyu) suddenly jumped into my head. Though maybe it didn’t come straight from heaven this time, the thought suddenly made me realize what I wanted in life, and it was the ultimate enlightenment experience.
I wanted to be a bimbo and I shall work towards it. If you open your eyes, you will notice that while you are licking envelopes, signing deals, giving sales pitches, or trying desperately to get your team members to work with each other, at the same time, the ultimate bimbo is sipping pina colada by the pool, filing her nails staring into space, dreaming of what color curtains she should buy next. The ultimate bimbos have the life all girls dream of. Going for high teas once in a while, only to binge on the salads and fruits. And if you ooopss.. happen to over eat and gained a couple of pounds.. no problem… there is always the cold wraps from Marie Claire or the electrifying experience of an ultrasound treatment by Unisense. The ultimate bimbo only needs to worry about what to wear that day and not whether the project is making money or if the client likes your work. Oooo.. what a life.
So from that day onwards, I’ve decided to pass on these ultimate bimbo philosophies. You’ll be surprised, along the way, I’ve met so many bimbo potentials whom all agreed with me. Why be dragon lady and be called the toughest bitch of the entire milky way when you can be a lady of leisure, referred to as the darling of an angel?
Then you’ll ask me, how did bimbos get there in the first place? Maybe they became a dragon lady some time ago to be where they are today. Yeah, Im sure some bimbos were pure lucky, while the others have gone a long way to be where they are today. Which is why I decided to start this club because I know, no matter how tough we are on the surface, at the end of the day, we all want to be the ultimate bimbo, the lady of leisure, the darling of an angel.. If you are at the top of the ladder, playing The Sims with 150 of your employees everyday, don’t you get tired and just wish you were in some massage parlour, breathing in some aromatheraphy from Tuvalu, living the life of the ultimate bimbo? So stop for a while and relax, ladies.. brace yourselves and start your journey towards the sisterhood of bimboship..
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