Tuesday, July 11, 2006

The Fat Soul

The other day, I caught my mom looking at me for a long while. At the end of it, she finally said, “It’s not easy maintaining that body, isn’t it?”

I looked back at her, shrugged my shoulders and said, “Yeah, a piece of bread makes me fat.”

My mom is probably one of the few in my life who really understands how tough it is for me to maintain my current weight. She knows I have a fat soul.

A person with a fat soul is someone who’s destined to be fat. They become happy when they see food, they groan when they have to exercise, sleep is their best past time, they wake up in the morning thinking of what they’d like to eat for lunch or dinner, they order too much food in a food rest, they overfeed their own pets afraid they’ll go hungry, sitting around watching TV is always better than going around busy cleaning the house or doing up the garden, fattening food tastes best… I think it is no doubt that I have a fat soul because I am guilty of all of the above.

Which is why, mom sees me now and understands how difficult it must be for me to stay with my current weight. Over some months, I have lost 13kgs by overhauling my entire system and the way I live my life. Dieting is no more called dieting but is a new way of eating. Starvation is no more called starvation but is what life is all about. Feeling full is no more called satisfaction but is re-labeled as ‘guilt’. Meals are no more looked forward to because I tell myself, trust me, there is nothing exciting coming your way. The toughest part is telling myself and truly believing that THIS is how I’m going to live the rest of my life.

Maintaining this weight is not just about saying, “No, thank you” but to also stop desiring the food that you’ve just refused. Re-program your mind, have a paradigm shift, kill the inner desires, this, I believe is the secret to successful weight loss.

I asked Beng today if I should lose more or if I should just maintain my current weight. One thing I’ve learnt for sure, gay men like Beng, don’t cream their words so I’d be thankful if he just gives me brutal honesty and not be over-critical like he usually is.

Beng said to me, “Actually ah, you look fine now. You can lose a little bit more if you want but not too much because then you’ll look sickly.”

You must wonder why I didn’t post the same question to Narrrling. For someone who asked me to marry him when I was at my fattest, I guess it’s no point asking him if I should lose more weight because he is obviously oblivion to my weight woes.

So Beng says I look fine now. Considering the fact that I’m not single and desperately looking out for a man and neither am I aspiring to be a TV talkshow host nor a beauty pageant contestant, can I live with myself in my current body or should I continue this lifetime quest of mine for that waif thin body? This must be the first time I’m asking myself this because I’ve spent my whole life being obsessed with my weight and food, constantly launching myself into new diets that doesn’t work or new eating or exercise regimes that ends up in disasters.

If I decide to sign this peace treaty with my body, then I will just work to maintain this weight for the rest of my life and give away all those smaller sized clothes that I was hoping to fit into one day when I am ‘slimmer’. Oh, that skimpy green dress that I’ve only worn once in my life and oh, that lil red dress I so want to wear again. Is it time to say goodbye? Is the distant image of that waif thin Miki-C to go a-flying and disappear, like the believe we once had of Santa Claus when we were young? I don’t know.. I really don't know...


At 7/11/2006 05:31:00 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Ooh ooh, how tall + heavy are you

At 7/12/2006 05:19:00 PM, Blogger Sangeeta said...

You know, you're missing out on enjoying life if you keep being paranoid about being fat. Who cares if you're not supermodel size? Don't let people's perceptions dictate the way you live your life. Eat whatever you enjoy, you have someone who loves you for who you are, and it's time you love yourself for who you are too :)

At 7/13/2006 06:23:00 PM, Blogger Asther said...

I've seen you when you were "fat" & gradually saw the change in you. I've to say that you do look fabulous now but then again, I always find you pretty since the first day we met on the fated dive trip. ;)

I've a "fat soul" just like you and at this very moment, I'm gaining & gaining weight cos of all the guilty charges you mentioned. Maybe one way I'll b able to gather the will-power like you did and lose some weight (maybe for my wedding? ;P).

But I know eventually I'll gain them ugly fats back cos I know I'm stuck with them forever! Especially if I get pregnant and have kids. Imagine the cravings during pregnancy!

But then again, I hope my kids will be the reason for me to control my weight! Hehehe... what with all the running around after them and sleepless nights thinking about their safety and well-being???

Girl... just do watever makes you happy. If you're happy losing all those weights even tho you've to sacrifice your favorite food, then be it. But if you're happier being able to eat anything & at anytime, then go ahead!

Who says you can't indulge yourself to one scoop of ice-cream ONCE in a WHILE?

It doesn't matter who says what about your weight. It matters more if you're happy cos then life and people around you will b happy too!

At 7/21/2006 01:38:00 PM, Blogger k*a said...

hey there miki-c,

i think you look great too, so dun worry that much.

In my honest opinion, the most important is being fit. You can be skinny like a supermodel but you are unfit, man, it is definitely not good.

btw, not everyone look good when thin. Remember you used to think I look like a corpse when I was 9 kg lighter?


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