IT Savvy
Last night Narrrling suddenly dragged me into the study to see something interesting on his computer. He made me sit in front of the computer screen, then gave me a background of what I was about to see.Of late, Narrrling’s father has been complaining about the church he attends back in Holland, saying that it is a church for “senior citizens”. Young people living in the same area, are either dropping out or staying away from the church, with the mindset of the church being old-fashioned and behind time.
With this, Narrrling’s father, a man of age himself, has recently took up the initiative to plan a re-vamp for the church. Narrrling’s father spent most of his life as a baker, running a bakery in that same little town called Maasluuis at the south of Holland. Only after he retired years later, he started venturing into other hobbies such as traveling and photography and lately, using the computer. And yes, as of today, my father-in-law have not only mastered skills of searching for information via the internet but is also slowly trying to pick up video editing using his computer.
With the project of the church revamp looming overhead, he told Narrrling he will need to explain to the church council what he intends to do and how. Narrrling said, "You mean you need to prepare a proposal and a presentation." So Narrrling gave him a template for a proposal and also suggested he use powerpoint for his presentation.
Although he doesn’t say it, I know Narrrling has always secretly been very proud of his daddy, where a head full of white hair and thick glasses doesn’t once stop him from punching at the keyboard finger by finger whilst slowly but steadily trying to be an IT savvy old man. So what Narrrling was about to show me, was his daddy’s first attempt at using Microsoft Powerpoint. There is only 1 single slide on his powerpoint, presented in Dutch. The moment the file opened up, I couldn’t help but broke into some fits of giggles. Narrrling joined me. Through the irrepressible laughter, I think Narrrling and I, we were both sharing the same thoughts in our head, that we’re sooooo proud of him. And looking at it now still makes me smile.

teehehe...the FIL is so cute!!!
woo hoo. i wish my dad will even want to touch the PC. Your FIL is so cool! I still remember the video he did for u and narrling during ur wedding.
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