Thursday, November 02, 2006

The 'Good' Wife?

Some people say, being a good wife has different meanings with different people. Yesterday, my brother told me that my very traditional grandmother recently told his wife-to-be, that being a good wife is to wash not just my brother's clothes but also his parent's clothes (good thing she didn't say grandparents as well because then that would sound highly suspicious).. My future sis in law must have had a quick fright.. When i heard that, i laughed.. because that notion of a wife diligently washing, drying, ironing and folding is just so distant to me.

Let me see, in my laundry room at home right now, there is a mountain of dirty laundry. If i don't get around it, Narrrling better starts doing it himself if he wants to wear a fresh pair of his favourite underwear tomorrow. When i do get around to doing laundry, Narrrling gets all excited because his favourite underwear is going to be clean again without him needing to lift a finger. It is funny sometimes when i hand him that particular pair of his favourite underwear just to see the excitement in his face. He throws his hands up into the air and goes, "Yay! It's clean again!" and inside me i thought, man, it's so easy to make this boy happy.

Now back to the part about being a good wife. From my grandmother's stand point, i've obviously not been a very good one. Shame on you, Miki-C.

Alright, alright, if all it takes is to do the laundry and keep that particular piece of darn underwear clean, i'll put that into my new year resolutions for 2007.. Friends and family, if you are reading this, next time you see me, check on me, ok? Ask me if that piece of Banana Republic underwear is clean. If it is, it means i've been keeping up to my side of the promise to be a good wife.


At 11/02/2006 01:16:00 PM, Blogger SU3 said...

Oh man!!!...I'll surely 'pengsan' if i were to get that piece of advice before marrying my hub. Lucky me, i did not..:)

At 11/02/2006 06:17:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like a role for good maid, rather than good wife... ironing, washing etc.... come on ....

At 11/03/2006 12:24:00 AM, Blogger Miki-C said...

Well, i must say that the older generation does expect the wives to do the maid job and probably beyond.. Doesn't mean we have to though. So don't worry, women nowadays hardly do what old ppl asks them to do.. and me, i have a washing machine and a dryer and most of all, underwears don't need ironing plus the dry cleaners are just 3 minutes away.. Cheers!


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