The Path of the Afterlife...
I was watching this British sci-fi TV series called, "Torchwood" recently about a group of investigators working for a secret organization called Torchwood, who deals with alien technology, alien crime or anything that has to do with aliens..In one episode, they had this alien equipment that can bring a dead person back to life for a few minutes. Yes, just a few minutes. So right after they asked the guy who killed him, they had nothing much to say anymore to the dead guy so just to make some converstaion, they asked him, "So what's in the after life? What do you see after you die?"... The dead guy look confused for a while, looked back at them and finally said, "Nothing.. Nothing at all.. Just darkness..."...
When i saw that, i thought, Whoa... a lot of people is NOT going to be happy seeing THAT on TV.. especially those with strong believes in the afterlife.. Heaven and hell, reincarnation, the light at the end of the tunnel, the pathway to heaven, the chinese bullhead with a horseface, the angels of death....etc..
Now in previous blogs, I mentioned before that I am a fence sitter.. never wanting to really take sides when it comes to religion... In secrecy, sometimes I wish there really is nothing after we die... I find it rather tiring to have yet another circus to perform in after this one. What? I have to learn to play the harps now? or or.. What? I have to lie here while you gut me out because i took 50 cents from my mother's purse when i was 8 because i wanted to buy myself a packet of Chickadees?
I don't know.. maybe when i grow older, I'd appreciate this thought of having an afterlife... Somehow I don't think I am the only person in this world who secretly thinks that maybe this darkness thing after death is somewhat what's best for us.. What do you think?
Or are you a strong believer of this?...

A stairway to heaven...
I don't believe that it's all just darkness. We don't go through crap in life and meet idiots to wake up eternally in darkness..:P
And the people who have it easy their whole life cant possibly have darkness after that too...they need a couldron..heheh.
I think (I really hope its real) there is a heaven and angels and smiling souls dressed in white. There'd be a young girl in white, with white flowers in her wavy tresses, whose personal space is a lake-she rocks herself over a small part of the lake in a swing made from rope....ahhh...i'm rambling...
nice site here.
happy new year!
Haha.. interesting description of heaven, anucia.. Who knows, maybe one day when you go to heaven, the young girl is white is me.....
But this girl in white will be just a wee bit plumpish because for me, heaven is where there are chocolates and ice cream free flow all day long..I hope they have white dresses in all sizes there.. Gosh.. you can hear the glutton in me from miles away.. Gluttons don't go to heaven i heard.. haha.. Then i hope you'll meet some other non-fat girl in white in your heaven then.. Good luck!
Cheers! and Happy new year to you too!!
Hi Miki-C,
I stumbled into your blog out of boredom yesterday from one of Su3 links. I am her sister in law. We have met and spoken before. I thoroughly enjoy your sense of humour in writing. Do I meet your requirement for new recruits in the bimbo club? ;p
Hi Jolene.. How's life in australia? I was looking at your blog the other day too, salivating at the picture of those pancakes you put up..
Ofcourse da Bimbo's club welcomes you.. We practically prey on successful young ladies like you! :) Oh and Su3, she's joined my club since she's 13! :)
Have not given much thought of how my afterlife gonna be...;p
But I really like the photos u've put up in this post. Nice shots..!!
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