Thursday, March 02, 2006

The Land of Silence

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Back to the land of silence. My 2nd day of work at my new job. Did I tell you I finally landed myself a new job? Well, it's not really new because i'm still working in the same company, just a different department and different responsibilities.But yeah, I finally made it! Woo Hoo! I am finally reaching the light at the end of the tunnel, leaving behind a part of my life that was previously in total darkness. For those who have followed my blogs, you’ll know that for the last 2 years, in broad day light for 8 hours everyday during work, I’ve been groping around in the dark, trying to find some kind of direction or something that’ll motivate me to continue living and trying extremely hard not to kill myself simply out of boredom or simply for some excitement in life. You know, when time crawls by sooooo slowly to reach that 5 o’clock everyday, sometimes you wonder what the meaning of life really is. So I’m really glad I’m able to close that chapter now. I’ve moved on.

Back to the land of silence and that is present day, present time. And why do I call it the land of silence? Because I’ve jumped from boredom land to loneliness land. I report to a 50 year old guy ALL THE WAY in Houston and the pre-decessor of my job, is a 51 year old man ALL THE WAY in the Netherlands who’s handing over his job to me due to early retirement. This thing about retiring early, I sure hope it has nothing to do with the job, not forgetting the fact that both my manager and my pre-decessor has a full head of white hair though both are only in their early 50s. Have you heard of the Cantonese show called, “The white haired bride”?.. Maybe come next February during my wedding, that’s what I’ll be too, “Miki-C the white haired bride”.. Ah, but I’m a little brighter than that. Bimbos like me are very advanced. We just use hair dye. So, I won’t complain about my job for now because so far, I’ve been able to entertain myself with some new challenges in my new job, although no one around me here can be bothered if I am doing work or picking my nose or catching imaginary flies. In fact, there’s nobody around here. Haha..

You know, some Chinese are very superstitious. They see certain happenings in life as an omen to the future. Well, walking to my new cubicle on my first day of work yesterday, I was greeted with a huge dead fly sitting on my table. And since I wasn’t going to start my career with a dead fly as a friend (that I was obliged to name Frankie) and there was no tissue or waste paper basket immediately accessible, I used the tip of two fingers to remove the dead fly from my table to the vacant table next to me. (Oh my, I am so unethical..) Why not let someone else be greeted by Frankie on his/her first day of work too. ….

Guess what? I just took 2 seconds to peep into my future neighbor’s cubicle and Frankie is still there! Good ol’ loyal Frankie.. Though I wasn’t very happy with Frankie yesterday when I forgot about the whole incident of removing him with my fingers and started biting my fingernails! Poor Frankie, not only did I fail to give him a proper burial but I also tried to eat/taste him. Narrrling, did I taste funny when you kissed me last night? Sorry, I think that was Frankie.

Anyway, sitting here all alone on the land of silence with one dead fly in the next cubicle, I have no complains because everything that seems bad or evil seems to be behind me now. The days of idling with nothing to do, the days of torturous audio from Ms Itchy Bitchy Private Parts, and even the smoky Haze is now over and gone. Talking about the haze last week, Narrrling said it’s so bad, he couldn’t smell his own fart. I guess that means REALLY bad.


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