Monday, April 03, 2006

Husband of Mysterious Lane

Narrrling has been acting strange lately. It started last Tuesday when he suddenly, out of the blue, said he’s sick of life and wants to take the day off from work and just do nothing at home. Upon hearing that, it got me worried sick because I know by nature, Narrrling is one of the most optimistic person I know. Everything and everyone in life is always good to him and he constantly thinks that we’re a lucky bunch. He’s the kind who’ll look at our messy house, which has not been cleaned in weeks, and sincerely say, “Wow, I love this place and I’m so lucky to have you”.

So when he suddenly told me he wanted to take the day off because he’s sick of work and sick of life? Now statements like that from Narrrling would seriously summon a great deal of worry from anyone around him who knows him well. What made me feel even worse was when I asked him if he’d like me to stay home with him that day, “I could work from home and stay with you, you know.”.

Without hesitation and with a defeated tone, he said “No, it’s ok. You go to work.”

What? Normally at the suggestion, Narrrling’s eyes will light up and with a twinkle, he’d say, “Could you really?”

That day, I went to work but my thoughts were constantly thinking of home and what’s going on with my Narrrling. Could it be that the project in Hanoi last week really tired him out? Could it be the promotion he wanted to get but didn’t? Could it be me? Could it be the ex? I must have called him 8 times at least that day. I hated myself for it and it wasn’t because I didn’t trust him being alone but I was constantly wondering what he was up to and what was going on in his thoughts. I found all sorts of excuses to call him and everytime I did, he seem to be normal. Earlier in the day he was playing some games at home, then later he went out and did some errands. It all sounded normal to me though he didn’t sound very happy and that chirpy tone in his voice was not present. When I got home that day, he was very much back to his normal self again. I tried a couple of times to wring some kind of deep thoughts from his head but failed miserably because everything seems well according to Narrrling.

In the next few days, Narrrling was back to his old self and I, slowly started to put the whole chapter behind me and classified it as a once off depression, maybe a male version of a period thing. Just when I was about to forget the whole incident, came Narrrling’s second wave of strange behavior.

On Friday night, before we fell asleep, Narrling suddenly asked me, “How well do you think you know me?”

“Quite well, I think.”

Narrrling said, “How well do you think I know you?”

“I think you know me better than I know you.”

Narrrling said, “Really? Sometimes I feel like I don’t know you that well. I can predict what my sister does but till now, some things you do still surprises me. It’s nothing bad, but I just feel that I’m still learning to know you”

Some people say, you are telepathic to your spouse’s thoughts because you are tuned to his pattern of behavior and therefore, you are more inclined to know what he will do and say next.

Narrrling and I were supposed to send our new car to be serviced last Saturday morning. For some strange reason, Narrrling became rather anal about getting up early to get it done on Saturday morning. You see, Narrrling is the last person I know who’ll want to get up early on a Saturday morning.

Something about Narrrling wanting to get up early on a Saturday morning, raised yet another flag in my head. I quietly went along with it. After we were done with the car, I suggested we went for breakfast at his favourite mamak stall. To my surprise, he said "No. I want to go home". This time, I insistently asked him why, why, why? He didn’t want to tell and was dodging answers with some silly jokes/excuses of wanting to go home to use the toilet. I went along with it, joking about his toilet urges ruling his head and foregoing a delicious meal of juicy ‘Roti Pisang’ and “Roti Tisu”. In my head I thought, something’s not right again.

As I was scheduled to meet my own friends that morning, I drove off to my friend’s place shortly after that, with an unsettled mind, leaving a very mysterious Narrrling at home.

I think I must have spent a good few hours at my friend’s place, the few of us as usual, talking and laughing about silly things, when suddenly Narrrling called me. “Will you be out for a long time more??”, Narrrling says.

“I think I’ll be here for another hour then I’ll be home. Why?”

“Just checking, that’s all.” Narrrling replied.

Now, something about Narrrling’s tone and the way he phrased his question gave me that X-files feeling again. I really should go home and find out what’s happening. Those thoughts stayed on my mind for 5 minutes then I forgot all about it when the conversation with my friends took an interesting turn.

Two hours later, I made my way home and was reminded again of Narrrling’s strange behavior all morning. Walking up to my doorsteps, I was asking myself if there’s anything I could do to try to understand Narrrling better, if it’s normal for a wife to sometimes have no clue what the other half is up to.

With a mind full of thoughts, I put the key through the keyhole and opened the door to our house. And there, right smack in the middle of the living room, stands a new shiny black piano. I drew in my breath sharply and stared at this new majestic addition to our living room and out of nowhere, Narrrling jumped out in front of me and with a huge grin, said, “SUPRISE!”

The piano is yet another wedding gift for me. Narrrling said, he’s been planning it since last Tuesday. He took the day off to go pay for the piano. It was a piano I saw and fell in love with weeks ago when we were shopping. I’ve been talking about it ever since and was going to buy it on a 36 months installment (because of my pathetic bank account). I was going to call the lady in the piano shop to ask if they take payment terms of 36 months. Narrrling told the lady to tell me that the piano is sold off. And here, before I even made that call to the lady, the piano is right here sitting in my living room. I couldn’t believe my eyes.

Narrrling said later, he was anxious to get home this morning because the piano was going to be delivered between 10 to 11am, explaining why he rejected the delicious ‘roti pisang’ and called me to find out when I was coming home from my friend’s house so that he can stand-by to jump out and say, “Surprise!”.

Goodness, what can i say, it was a great suprise indeed! and thank you sooooooooooooo much Narrrling!!!

PS: Marriage D'Amour here i come!


At 4/03/2006 02:54:00 PM, Blogger Miki-C said...

Eh Beng, why today you so glamour, go under the pseudonym of "Madonna"? :P *OOpss.. did i expose you?

At 4/03/2006 03:01:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha ha.. that's why you should always trust your husbands/bfs.. Your Narrrling has proven yet again that men are most of the time nice and trustworthy...

At 4/03/2006 03:03:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Men behave in a strange way sometimes just to create suprises of this kind.....but isn't great to still have sweet guys like these around...Regards Brad Feet

At 4/03/2006 03:12:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Narrling...keep it up...good example of a GOOD husband....Pun Tao

At 4/03/2006 04:54:00 PM, Blogger Narrrling said...

Buying a piano works out great for me as well, dont forget this thing makes us look soooooo cultered.

Always happy to suprise you PP.


At 4/04/2006 11:06:00 AM, Blogger Sangeeta said...

Awww how sweet of narrrling... the piano reminds me of an ad here for the game 'Black' where everything in a nice house is being smashed cos of the sound effects, and a chandelier falls on the piano and destroys it.

Completely off topic I know, but have you guys played Black?

At 4/04/2006 03:01:00 PM, Blogger Miki-C said...

I've never heard of the game, "Black" until you mentioned it. I suspect it must be either a PS2 or Xbox game. Went to to check it out. Not bad ah.. got 7.4!

Too bad, it's only on PS2, both you and i can't play it.. unless now you're telling me you have a PS2 secretly stashed under that over-used TV of yours..

Not many new Xbox games anymore cos they're mostly concentrating on Xbox 360 nowadays. I think my turn to suprise Narrrling with a new present (of Xbox 360)!

At 4/06/2006 10:43:00 PM, Blogger Fashionasia said...

my goodness!! you're so lucky!!! what a romantic chap narrling is!!


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