Friday, December 23, 2005You know that time has flown by when you bump into the girl you use to sit with everyday in the schoolbus, at the children’s department store shopping for children’s clothes. You see, when we became friends somewhat 18 years ago, we use to visit the children’s section too, but that was to buy clothes for ourselves. But today, she was shopping for her beautiful baby Erin and I was shopping for my favorite Bimbo’s club apprentices, Timothy and Chloe. I tend to start them early if possible and that resulted to me buying Chloe a pink dress with a separate butterfly wand and hairclip, and a pink checkered shirt with a teeny weeny pair of sports shoes for Timothy. Watch the bimbo/himbo in the making. I intend to start them early.

But the feeling of bumping into my best friend cum childhood friend in the children’s department store does indeed give me a strange feeling. Have time flown by so quickly? Just yesterday, we met on the school bus wearing dark blue school pinafores, and instantly felt we shared a common problem together.. We felt we were fat. From a common baby fat problem we shared at the age of early puberty, our friendship blossomed into being Miki & Sue, the inseparables. Back then, Sue use to be chauffeured by her dad to my place even though it was just a stone’s throw away. On the days I was going to her place, I rode my fashionable Black Thunder BMX. Then our joint effort to lose weight, we would go jogging at the lake nearby. Most of the time, we jogged 10%, walked 25% and yakked the rest of the time away. When we got home, we gave people the impression that we worked really hard exercising the whole afternoon when actually we talked about losing weight more than we actually did anything to lose weight. So I guess it was not a surprise that this weight topic stuck around as we grew older. And today, the first thing Sue said to me when we bumped into each other were, “Hey, you lost weight!”
I remember when we were teenagers and I had a brand new camera as a birthday present, we started going for our very own sessions of vanity shots. We would dress up, wear make up, gel up our hair, then take the public bus for 2 hours to arrive at various destinations in town to take photographs of each other. One of our personal favorites back then was the Lake Gardens. If it was not sessions of vanity shots, it was visits to the newly opened shopping center near our homes, a place boasting to be the longest shopping complex in South East Asia… namely, Subang Parade. We would spend hours dressing up and getting ready to go while the walk to Subang Parade was actually just less than 10 minutes. Back then, going to Subang Parade was a grande affair.
Then we graduated from secondary school and went our separate ways in pursuing higher education. That was the time we discovered this thing called, ‘Hi-Tea buffet’ offered in hotels. It was a heaven for 2 fat girls like us. One by one, we raided all the hotels in KL, feeling no guilt sweeping their platters empty. As usual, we talked all the time about ways of loosing weight while we downed a couple of ice-cream scoops and cakes.
After a while, we both started working, both started having relationships of our own and though we permanently discontinued our fake jogging sessions and saw each other a lot lesser nowadays, everytime we met, we talked non stop for as long as we can remain seated. I think Sue is the one person in this world whom I feel like we will never run out of topics to talk about. If we were stranded at an island by ourselves with one coconut tree in existance, we would be able to entertain ourselves away by just yakking on the whole day and night. Our times together are the kind where the rest of the world cease to exist while we were on topics of our men, our job, our pets, our family, our friends, and last but not least, our weight.
Today, Sue is happily married with a baby of 6 weeks old, I am organizing my own wedding in February next year. Nowadays, Sue always say, “Who would have thought you will end up marrying a gweilo” and I would say, “Who would think you’ll have a baby earlier than me?”.. Time has surely flown by, isn’t it?..
Merry Christmas everyone! Quoting the Datin of Datindiaries, “Spend this festive season with your loved ones. It really is the only way to celebrate.”
And merry Christmas to you too, Sue! If it weren’t for u, my life would have been a lot more duller and i would have continued riding around the neighbourhood in my BMX with my 3 white mice in my bicycle basket as company.. Love ya, Sue!
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