Saturday, January 29, 2005

Racing with an egg

Being in a relationship is like running a race carrying an egg with a spoon. It’s all about balancing something very fragile at every moment of the time.

Don’t call him too often in case you’re not giving him enough space to breath. However, you have to call him once in a while to remind him you still exist. Don’t let him think you’d shrivel up and die a horrible death if he leaves you. Yet let him know enough to feel that he is indeed very important to you. Care for him enough so that he doesn’t try to get TLC somewhere else. But yet don’t pamper him too much in case he takes you for granted. Talk about things whenever there’s a dark cloud hovering above but yet not so often that he thinks you’re an unstable loony on the run. Trust him enough to have a healthy relationship and yet not so much that you become ignorant. Love him enough to be happy when you are together and yet not so much in case you get hurt in the future if things don’t work out. And the list goes on....

I believe most couples go through this egg race whether they like it or not. Some put more effort into it and some less. The ones who invest more effort into it are usually deemed as the one who loves the other party more. The ones who invest less effort, either loves less or has done it so much, it’s become a norm.

Of course over time, some people get so tired that they give up the race and abandon their eggs. Some ends with the egg safely placed back into the bucket, some ends with the eggs crashing to the ground. Some other couple, determined to make it work, continues their persistence till one day, all these balancing acts requires no more effort and becomes a part of life.

Therefore at the end of the day, doesn’t it boil down to how much you want it to work?


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