Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Career Related Habits?

A few days ago, my team mate and I had our weekly early morning telecon with our boss in Houston and it was our ritual where right after our boss hangs up, my team mate and I would linger on in the meeting room for a while just to catch up. My team mate and I, although there's only 2 of us in the team, we spend most of the week in our separate worlds. Our boss have divided our roles so clean that there is almost no reason for us to cross paths when it comes to work. So this weekly meet makes up the only ocassion for us to do a lil' team bonding. Sometimes we talk about work, sometimes about everything else. And that day, we somehow started talking about some mutual colleagues of ours. He started with saying, "Isn't it weird, that all finance people think the same?"

"Ya man, it's amazing how they all think alike. Save every penny. Their eyes light up when they hear that the company is giving out freebies. Then they go through great lengths to GET the freebies. They skip breakfast because they know there's going to be free team lunch so that they have the capacity to order and eat more. And most importantly, they MUST use up every cent in the social budget allocated for their team.Talk about maximising opportunities!"

I still remember, in my previous company, the Chief Financial Officer(CFO) use to ride his teenage son's BMX bicycle to work everyday just to save on petrol and parking expenses. You remember? Those medium sized colourful teenager BMX bicycles that was really popular a while back? And yeah, we're talking about a 40+ year old CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER of a large company riding a bike too small for himself to work. We might be saying it's ridiculous and all, but our friend the CFO is probably the richest guy in the whole company.

Honestly, if suddenly one day crisis hits planet Earth, I think it is very likely that this group of people will be the sole survivors and people like me will die of hunger squatting by the longkang trying to catch guppies for dinner.

Yesterday over lunch, I was chatting to a certain Miss Finance in my company. She started with complaining about the current toll rise and being broke, then i went on by saying that I am broke too, but because i bought a whole new range of skin care products last weekend because my current products which I've only used for a few times, totally sucks! She started with saying,

"What's wrong with your current products? Give me lar!"

"Can give you lar cos I want to get rid of them anyway, but I am obligated to tell you something about the products first."

"Uh-oh. What?"

"They're Lancome products, but I bought them in a Lancome warehouse sale. So it is possible that the products are old and maybe expired."

"It's ok lar, skin care products won't expire one lar. Did you bring them?"

"No lar, i didn't bring.. You sure you want ah? I used the moisturizer and they gave me shit loads of pimples wor."

"Maybe you got oily skin lar. My skin so dry, I won't get pimples one. Or better still, I give to my mother, her skin so old already sure won't get pimples anymore."

"You sure ah? Then the Toner right, after I used, I got a few patches of red rashes on my face wor.My nose also dunno why started peeling like crazy."

"Can lar! My mother's skin so old already won't get these kind of things. Tomorrow you bring ok?!"

"Ok, but if anything happens to your mother's skin, throw away the products quickly and don't blame me ah"

"Ya lar. Tomorrow remember to bring the products ah!"

Yesterday, as if knowing I am not convinced, Miss Finance came to my cubicle later and took a long look at my face. First she said my nose was not peeling, then she said those red patches are eczema that I probably got from somewhere else because it's contagious. We were standing there for a long while argueing about whether or not my nose was peeling and whether or not eczemas are contagious until I've finally resorted to just giving her the products and hope for the best.

So today, a bottle of Lancome Moisturizer and Toner is sitting on her table and I am still thinking if I really should give it to her. I mean, although I'm not 100% sure, but I've made it clear that there are possible defects to the products. Is this good enough to help me demolish my guilt if anything happens to her or her mother's face? When she saw the products this morning, she messaged me online and said, "You should keep the skincare product bottles clean next time, I saw on your bottles got dust lar. Dust can cause pimples too, you know."

OK-lar.. then I guess there's really no reason to doubt the products anymore. I rest my case. I gotta go practice catching guppies!


At 1/29/2007 04:48:00 PM, Blogger Sangeeta said...

So has her mum complained yet?? Actually, the older the skin is, the more important skin care becomes - cannot simply hantam lah. If it makes her skin even drier, sure she'll get more wrinkles in no time ...


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