Red, Blue or Black?
Wednesday, April 27, 2005Again, it is one of those days where time crawls by. I must have looked at the clock 35 times since lunch. 4.07pm. I have 2 more hours to go. That means, 2 hours of staring intensely at my pc pretending to be absorbed in work and pretending that it might potentially make impressive organizational changes and reap great benefits for the company, 2 hours of switching back and forth from bridal tips web surfing to an intimidating looking excel spreadsheet every time someone walks pass behind me, 2 hours of looking at my clock, 2 hours of agony. At times like these, I wish my left and right hand bimbos were back here again.
Chantella’s been so busy with her new job lately that she’s put aside bimbosity for a while (at least during office hours)… Metria’s been so free lately that she’s now focusing on living the complete bimboful life. Since I can’t afford it, I can only head down Chantella’s path by getting a new job. Just sent in an application today for internal transfer. Too bad the new department doesn’t have a lady boss. I would have tried to recruit her into my club.
Very recently, I was given the privilege to attend a staff assessment where they evaluate your potential to climb the ladder. If you pass it, a certain higher status is yours. If you fail, consequences befall you. To me, it is almost like pinning the red ribbons on the thoroughbreds, the blue ribbons on the slow runners, the black ribbons on the crippled (en route to the butcher).
In this assessment, the staff is asked to choose 1 out of 4 topics, given 40 minutes to prepare and following to that, the staff is expected to present a proposal on the chosen topic for 5 minutes, following on to a 1 hour plus challenge of Q & A based on what was presented in the first 5 minutes.
Must say that the topics I got weren’t exactly quite the ones I was familiar with. Eg. How to choose the right hair colour/ How to choose the perfect dress to suit your body/ What not to say on your first date..etc..
So instead of talking about what was closest to heart, for close to 1.5 hours, I had to talk about really serious matters like nuclear bombs in Korea, peace treaties among ASEAN countries to form another NATO, buying weapons from Russia, investing in technology to create better military strategies.. etc..
My strategy was to talk and talk and talk from all angles possible, giving the assessors no chance to ask questions or in other words, answer before they ask me. When I talked about peace treaties, I told them from all angles how it could be formed, why it is formed, who should be involved, why it has not been formed yet and its limitations and exceptions. When I talked about buying weapons, I talk about the other possibilities, like maybe selling to one and buying from another for a cheaper price. Ofcourse there are lots of loopholes to my proposals but if they’d like to challenge me, it’d take them hours to go through every hole. My assessors were 2 young and pretty ladies and I guess they were surprised I chose this topic in the first place.. And I know I took a big risk. I might have chosen a different topic if my assessors were both very senior looking men/ladies who might have immediately seen through my plans and bulleted me through my Kevlar, especially the fact that you need plutonium to create atom bombs and there was no way Malaysia was going to replicate the North Korean situation without bringing it to the world’s attention. Well, they say in these assessments there was no right or wrong but I didn’t want to have too many difficult questions if possible.
Results are not out yet. I’m still waiting for them to pass on the colored ribbons. They could pronounce me a successful bimbo in disguise, or a true bimbo after all… Whichever it is, it might not be too far from the truth..
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