This year, my name is Fluffy..
Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas! At this time of the year, all bloggers are either publishing their New Year resolutions, their Christmas wish list OR their recollection/events of the past year. I gave it some thought and decided, "If you can't beat 'em, why not join 'em".I've not been bloggin much over the past few months if not over the past year, mostly because i deem life this year as generally uneventful. I have always called myself a storyteller and there will never be a dull day in my life. Storytellers always have a story to tell no matter when or where, yet, this year has gone by so quickly and so uneventfully that even the storyteller herself couldn't find many great or exciting stories to tell. On top of that, this thing called storytelling in writing style? ... If you don't do it for a while, it just gets rusty, u know..
As for blogging, i'm at this crossroad where i'm just not sure where this blog is going... Is this a diary of my life? Is this where i tell partial fictional stories? Or is this an avenue for me to bitch in public? Bitchin' online throws me in a dilemma as well. Here are the general rules of bitchin in public... First, the person you're bitchin' about better not be reading this blog unless you're prepared for consequences, Second, the people reading this blog better not be capable of using the evidence in this blog to affect your career path.. Third, only bitch when you're the kind who don't give two hoots about washing your dirty linens in public, Fourth, when you write a bitch blog, you can be totally honest and bitch full force without holding back and Fifth, you are strong enough to withstand any kind of evil eye from anyone after you publish your latest bitch blog..... and having said all these, I must say that I failed all 5 criterias..
As a result of it, my blog especially this year has been all cotton candy fluffy, and sweet and marsh-mallowy... Because of that, i've received all sorts of comments, I'm being too sticky to Narrrling, my life revolves only around Narrrling, I''m overtly flashing my happy newly wed life in public, I'm insensitive to those who's unhappy in their own relationships/no relationships, you name it... Damn, i almost feel bad about it.
But not that i have a lot to bitch about... In fact, what a quiet year it has been... The story-teller has got practically no stories to tell, all mellowed and quiet.. There just doesn't seem to be one thing that i really feel strongly about enough to write about this year. This is why, sometimes having people like Miss Itchy Private Parts or Mr Crazy Date in our life makes life generally more interesting. At that point in time, it might not be the best experience in the world, but looking back in retrospect, it gives colour to our lives, a sudden blood rush when you think about it, a step out of the normal....
This year of 2006 however, hasn't been all that exciting in every way throughout all 12 months... Yes, there has been 'some' excitements but not so much till i can't gather em all up in a blog... some reflections of the year for Miki-C.
So i got married this year in February...
Then i went to Perth for our honeymoon and did crazy things like battle with monstrous flies that attacked our eyes and nostrils unless we were protected in the wilds of the great outback by a net over our heads.
We sand surfed a.k.a sandboarded in some sand dunes by the sea....
We went on a day hunt for the Hutt River province in the great outbacks but never managed to find it. For those who don't know, Hutt River Province is a small country (actually just a farm) embedded in west Australia who declared their own independance by declaring war on the queen of England in the early 80s. Queen of England couldn't be bothered with sending soldiers to this lil' farm in God knows where in the middle of the West Australia and hence, that is how they got their independance. Due to the lack of response, the farmer declared his farm an independant province and crowned himself 'Prince Leonard George Casley'. Today, his farm has their own passport stamp, their own postal stamps and even their own currencies. Now, it's a small tourist site where the 'Prince' would sometimes receive guests at his small farm house. Narrrling and I were peeing in our pants, excited to be able to meet someone of 'royal' blood at last.. but unfortunately could not find it and decided that it was as much muddy roads and old farm houses as our poor battered rented old Honda could take in the middle of nowhere.
Then that was it.. half the year flew by... Sometime in July, i picked up a new hobby in beading...
And because of it, i picked up yet another hobby in photography.. I spent a lot of time reading the camera manuals for my Canon IS3 and surfed up on countless pages of websites on photography and i STILL haven't figured out how to get this background blurry effect, my lil unfortunate teddy being my model for over a couple of hundred of pictures i took... Damn these bloody aperture, AE, MF, TV, F2.7, 1/3000 and all those photography jargons!
Before i knew it, it was my birthday in September.. I bloody turned 30 in September but as you can see, continued to live in denial in my cake below...
Enjoyed the gorgeous volcanic front sceneries in Bandung with Narrrling, Beng and Ren in October...
Narrrling's birthday in November...
And suddenly, it's Christmas!! That time of the year YET again... The year flew by and I hardly even finished reading a book!.... I have a few more pages left of Chronicles of Narnia. I gave up halfway, Anne Frank(because i decided it was too depressing and whiny) and Bag of Bones(because i can't even find the darn book anymore)! Since then i've moved on to Christopher Paolini's 'Eragon' and Jeffrey Archer's 'False Impression'. Notice i never read non-fictional books? I hear lots of people talking about books by people like Evolutional Biologist Richard Dawkins, British philosopher Bertrand Russell and Chinese professor cum writer Li Ao. Don't know why, no matter how hard I try, I can never get into one of these philosophical, political, economical, evolutional..etc..books... Maybe that's why I am called 'La Bimbo' and not 'La Intellecteur'... Eragon is turning out to be a great book, i have a feeling i am going to finish this one. For those who have seen the movie and not read the book, don't be discouraged by the movie.. the book is a MILLION times better and the story in the book is NOTHING like the movie.
Back to the topic of 'It's that time of the year again', I must say that all that fluffiness has gotten into my head... On a daily basis throughout the year, I read Jenn Tai's blog. Narrrling and her use to work together and i've met her family only once in a really busy dim sum restaurant(without exchanging more than a few words) but reading on her life abroad with her family and her beautiful girls, simply amazes me. I love the pictures she puts up (one of my motivational factors to picking up photography). I love the little family stories she writes about life at home with her girls.
Actually, what i'm trying to say is, I think i'm ready to start a family. A REAL family with more than 2 jokers chomping down a meal of McDonalds in front of the TV while watching the latest episode of "Lost". So what i want for the New Year is, for 2007 to have 2 jokers chomping down a hearty meal of McDonalds and 1 more mini-joker sucking on a bottle of breast milk in front of the TV watching the latest episode of "Desperate Housewives"....
I stole a peep at a book i didn't buy in MPH last weekend of my horoscope in 2007. I was to have a lot of changes in my life in 2007. Standing on a pedestal of uncertainty at this point in time, i am truly not suprised to see those lines staring back at me from a horoscope book of 2007. Will there be an addition to my little family? Will we be in another country? Will i stay in my job? Will I grow really fat? Will I be able to finally make that background of Teddy go blurr? Will I finish reading a book?
Now THESE are the things i'll be blogging about in the coming year of 2007... To all of you reading this, may you have lots of joy and love in the coming New Year.... from 'La Bimbo Fluffy of 2006'.