16 weeks
Yesterday, I was 16 weeks. Yeah, I'm pregnant. 16 weeks pregnant to be exact. This is a long overdue post, I meant to write about it when i first saw this..
Back then in February, it took us 3 home tests and a visit to the doctor to convince Narrrling and myself that we are indeed, really pregnant... Narrrling as usual joked about it while I was trying to make an appointment with the doctor, "What if the doctor tells us tomorrow that it's actually just a big fart?"
When the doctor confirmed my pregnancy, we went home and Narrrling attempted to give me some walking tips... "Now THIS is how you should walk from now on"...
He puts one foot in front of him, feels the ground for about 2- 3 seconds to make sure the step is safe and secured, puts the other foot in front and feels the ground again to secure the step and repeats this a couple of times.. then he turned back to me and said, "Yeah, it takes a bit of time to get to places but at least it's safe, you know"
Yeah, our kid is SO going to have a 'serious' daddy with lots of fantastic out of the box ideas...
Honestly, at 16 weeks, and after numerous visits to the doctor, sometimes, we are still in a daze. What? We're going to be parents now? Parents like those serious expressioned, stern looking, cane wielding fellas we see on TV? We SO don't fit the profile, the way we slug around the couch on weekends watching hours of TV or jump about like crazy people playing some stupid bubble whacking and jumping game on our Wii console. And the kind of immature jokes and slapsticks we exchange on a daily basis... like Narrrling till today would still say, "What if THIS time the doctor tells us it's just a big fart?"... Our poor kid, I think she's in for a very non-serious brought up in a very serious world.
Whenever I tell this to someone, he/she would say, enjoy while you can, because your life will change dramatically once the baby is born. Our lives will be dedicated to the baby, sleep will never be complete, quiet times will be non-existent, going out shopping or movies will be impossible, breast feeding is painful, giving birth feels like a million needles stabbing into your body... Ahhhh i see.. so there's a boot camp to convert people like us, the non-conformists into real, proper parents.... This explains it.
For the record, I think my baby likes hip hop music and is not a meat eater in general. Those who know me well, knows that I've always enjoyed a tasty, juicy carnivorous meal. Vegetables are like these unimportant bitter green slime that I can't be bothered with. Ever since I've been pregnated with this so-called "big fart", I've turned almost vegetarian. I've gone off rice, I've gone off most meat, I've gone off seafood, all 3 were once my all time favourites. Nowadays I eat plain soup noodles with green veggies ok.. dun pray pray... And for some reason, I've found new passion in hip hop music. It's a puzzling phenomenon.
Walking outside on the streets, sometimes I worry that people thinks that I'm fat. After all, my tummy is not significant enough to pass as a pregnant stomach yet, so to many people, I'm afraid I'm just passed off as "That FAT woman"... Talking to colleagues sometimes, i can feel some of their eyes darting back and forth between my face while talking to me and my tummy. After a while it got so awkward that i just came right out and said it, "YUP I'm pregnant! So you were saying these 23 licenses will expire in June but the contract says....."
In general, the idea that there's going to be a new member in our family is slowly but surely sinking into our brains. We find ourselves talking more and more about babies and I find myself less and less, shopping for high heels by mistake. Yeah, it's slowly coming, alright.. And yesterday, the doctor said.. "Maybe, it's a girl"... So there! Another healthy addition to the bimbo's club.. I'll be sure to fill her in when she gets here..