The End of One Era, The Beginning of Another...

It's going to end tomorrow. The end of 9 months, the end of not being able to wear my own socks, the end of the backaches and elephant legs, the end of being my gynae's top 5% of the most swollen pregnant ladies she's ever treated, the end of living my life like a bachelorette, basically the end of one era in my life.
Tomorrow, a new era begins. I will join the league of the rest of the superhero moms! I will be Miki-C the speed hero who can change diapers and make milk fast like lightnin! Miki-C the body multiplier who can breastfeed, bath a baby and whip up a meal for the family all at the same time! Miki-C the mind-reading hero who knows what baby is thinking before he is even thinking it himself! Up up and away!
The truth is, I'm freaking out. I was inspecting the image of myself in the mirror earlier today. My tummy has grown huge, no sign of those Mystique appearance changing super hero powers to make myself look like a pregnant supermodel. My vagina looked very much like it was 9 months ago. I'm not sure a puppy can come out of there, what more an 8 pounder baby, no sign of that elastic super hero power. Basically, at times like this, how i wish i was a superhero. A power or two will come in real handy tomorrow.
Tomorrow 29th October 2007, 7am, everything will end.... and everything will begin....