Gone Baby Gone

Great Movie Great...
Yesterday, I saw THE GREATEST MOVIE EVER. The greatest movie ever...ever...ever...
Oh man, what a show... Just when I thought the show is about to end and I was almost getting ready to get up and go, suddenly BOOM! I was suprised with a twist that totally left my mouth open. After a while, I thought, ok, NOW the show is going to end and I got ready to get up again... And BOOM! Another twist. Then Boom! Boom! Boom! A twist within a twist! And they kept coming....
The characters in the movie has got such depths.. and excellent acting! And don't even get me started on the plot! Cohen brothers should move aside for the Affleck brothers. It's the type of movie that leaves you talking about it for a long time after it's over. Narrrling and I were discussing about it endlessly yesterday, "What would you have done in that situation? Do you pity that guy? Do you think he should have killed him?"
Today i logged on to imdb.com to browse through the forum about this movie and read what everyone else is saying about it. Looks like everyone is debating about it as well.
Many parts of the show, I felt like I was almost choking with emotion but yet, it's not even a sad scene. Nobody was dying on screen. The characters were just having a very intense conversation that kinda makes you feel so overwhelmed. Next to me, I could hear some Malay chap sobbing away. It's just... complicated... And the excessive censorship did not even bother Narrrling this time. As usual, all the swear words and gory scenes were cut out in a non too graceful a la Malaysian cinema way but I think we must have gotten too engrossed in the story to notice.
Imdb gave it an 8.0. I totally agree with the rating. When i saw the title, "Gone Baby Gone" for the first time, I thought, "Oh no, another one of those movies."... but when I saw IMDB giving it an 8.0 with 25 thousand votes, I thought there must be something to it. And boy am I glad I didn't miss this one...
I've heard a lot about 'No Country for Old Men' by the Cohen brothers. I'll try to go watch it but from what i am hearing, 'Gone Baby Gone' is better. But damn! 'No Country for Old Men' got 8.5 with 84 thousand votes! How do you beat that?