Was tagged by Krazie Angel. I’ve never done this before but figured it’s a good get-to-know-you game.
For those who came from
Krazie Angel’s blog.. you might see some similarities, cos I copy and paste mah… No need to reinvent the wheel.. All Asians have dark brown-black eyes, takkan my eyes are tiba-tiba,
“The colour of dark chocolate with a nocturnal mood of darkness”. Part 1: On the Outside
Name : not Miki-C
Date of Birth : 6th September 1986 (Wah, I’ll finally turn 21 this year! So excited man!)
Current Status : Fat
Eye Colour : Dark brown, almost black
Hair Colour : Dark brown under the sun, otherwise black
Righty or Lefty : Righty
Zodiac Sign : Virgo
Part 2: On the InsideYour Heritage : Chinese
Your Fear : Dead Fishes in Aquariums (This one long story lar.. )
Your Weakness: Chocolates, Ice-Cream AND Old people begging for money
Your Perfect Pizza : Crunchy crust with lots of salami.
Part 3: Yesterday, Today & TomorrowYour thoughts first waking up : Shit, have to go to work…
Your bedtime : 11pm - 12.30pm
Your most missed memory : Holidays!
Part 4: Your Pick Pepsi or Coke : Both
McDees or Burger King : Both
Single or Group Dates : Both
Adidas or Nike : Neither (Can only afford Bata ok)
Lipton Tea or Nestea : Neither (Milo pls)
Chocolate or Vanilla : Chocolate ofcourse
Cappucino or Coffee : Neither (Milo pls)
Part 5: Do You...Smoke : No
Curse : In 3 languages
Part 6: In the Past MonthDrank alcohol : No
Gone to the mall : Yup
Been on stage : Nope
Eaten sushi : Yup
Dyed your hair : No
Part 7: Have You Ever?Played a stripping game : Yes (and not with Narrrling!!)
Changed who you were to fit in : Yes
Part 8 : MarrriageAge you're hoping to be married : 26
Part 9: In A Guy/GirlBest Eye colour : Green or Light, light blue
Hair colour : No preference
Short or long hair : Short and clean cut/shaven
Part 10: What Were You Doing?1 minute ago : Doing this
1 hour ago : Thinking up yet another diet plan
4 1/2 hours ago : Thinking up yet another diet plan, different from the one 1 hour ago
1 month ago : Running all over town preparing for my beloved brother’s wedding
1 year ago : Running all over town, preparing for my own wedding
Part 11: Finish The Sentence
I love : doing nothing
I feel : bored
I hate : Old wood or anything made out of Old wood (another long story this one..)
I hide : my ears under my sheets before I sleep every night (also long story…)
I miss : my sister’s babies (oh sorreee, and my sister too)…
I need : a good diet plan
OK – at this point, I’m suppose to Tag someone else… errr.. I guess I have to tag someone who actually reads my blog right? Cannot simply simply tag people like Jeff Ooi, right? Actually, I don’t know if anyone really reads my blog. I pay people like Metria and Su3 to comment in my blog on a weekly basis to create that popular feeling, you know. Ok, I’ll do it anyway… but I’m not sure if I’ll get to 5..
Part 12: Tag 5 People1) Metria of
Potpouri of Insanity2) Su3 or Lil E of
My Thoughts, My Love, My All 3) Jolene of
Jolene’s Diary 4) Asther of
What was In My Mind!! (Asther, sorreee, i know maybe now got to mood to play tag with me.... Later ok?... Meanwhile, take good care of your dad and also yourself... )
Oops.. can’t even think of 5 person who will read this. No. 1 and 2, ok lar, I put them on a monthly payroll to read my blog… :P So both of you, better perform...
Career Related Habits?
A few days ago, my team mate and I had our weekly early morning telecon with our boss in Houston and it was our ritual where right after our boss hangs up, my team mate and I would linger on in the meeting room for a while just to catch up. My team mate and I, although there's only 2 of us in the team, we spend most of the week in our separate worlds. Our boss have divided our roles so clean that there is almost no reason for us to cross paths when it comes to work. So this weekly meet makes up the only ocassion for us to do a lil' team bonding. Sometimes we talk about work, sometimes about everything else. And that day, we somehow started talking about some mutual colleagues of ours. He started with saying,
"Isn't it weird, that all finance people think the same?"
"Ya man, it's amazing how they all think alike. Save every penny. Their eyes light up when they hear that the company is giving out freebies. Then they go through great lengths to GET the freebies. They skip breakfast because they know there's going to be free team lunch so that they have the capacity to order and eat more. And most importantly, they MUST use up every cent in the social budget allocated for their team.Talk about maximising opportunities!"I still remember, in my previous company, the Chief Financial Officer(CFO) use to ride his teenage son's BMX bicycle to work everyday just to save on petrol and parking expenses. You remember? Those medium sized colourful teenager BMX bicycles that was really popular a while back? And yeah, we're talking about a 40+ year old CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER of a large company riding a bike too small for himself to work. We might be saying it's ridiculous and all, but our friend the CFO is probably the richest guy in the whole company.
Honestly, if suddenly one day crisis hits planet Earth, I think it is very likely that this group of people will be the sole survivors and people like me will die of hunger squatting by the longkang trying to catch guppies for dinner.
Yesterday over lunch, I was chatting to a certain Miss Finance in my company. She started with complaining about the current toll rise and being broke, then i went on by saying that I am broke too, but because i bought a whole new range of skin care products last weekend because my current products which I've only used for a few times, totally sucks! She started with saying,
"What's wrong with your current products? Give me lar!"
"Can give you lar cos I want to get rid of them anyway, but I am obligated to tell you something about the products first."
"Uh-oh. What?"
"They're Lancome products, but I bought them in a Lancome warehouse sale. So it is possible that the products are old and maybe expired."
"It's ok lar, skin care products won't expire one lar. Did you bring them?"
"No lar, i didn't bring.. You sure you want ah? I used the moisturizer and they gave me shit loads of pimples wor."
"Maybe you got oily skin lar. My skin so dry, I won't get pimples one. Or better still, I give to my mother, her skin so old already sure won't get pimples anymore."
"You sure ah? Then the Toner right, after I used, I got a few patches of red rashes on my face wor.My nose also dunno why started peeling like crazy."
"Can lar! My mother's skin so old already won't get these kind of things. Tomorrow you bring ok?!"
"Ok, but if anything happens to your mother's skin, throw away the products quickly and don't blame me ah"
"Ya lar. Tomorrow remember to bring the products ah!" Yesterday, as if knowing I am not convinced, Miss Finance came to my cubicle later and took a long look at my face. First she said my nose was not peeling, then she said those red patches are eczema that I probably got from somewhere else because it's contagious. We were standing there for a long while argueing about whether or not my nose was peeling and whether or not eczemas are contagious until I've finally resorted to just giving her the products and hope for the best.
So today, a bottle of Lancome Moisturizer and Toner is sitting on her table and I am still thinking if I really should give it to her. I mean, although I'm not 100% sure, but I've made it clear that there are possible defects to the products. Is this good enough to help me demolish my guilt if anything happens to her or her mother's face? When she saw the products this morning, she messaged me online and said,
"You should keep the skincare product bottles clean next time, I saw on your bottles got dust lar. Dust can cause pimples too, you know."OK-lar.. then I guess there's really no reason to doubt the products anymore. I rest my case. I gotta go practice catching guppies!
With Walls Thinner than you Think they Are..
Narrrling have lived in our current home for the past 4 years and me, for the last 1 and a half years. I've always felt that we lived in a super high quality condominium. I've always thought to myself,
"Wah, the walls must be so thick. It's always been peaceful and silent living here. I've never heard any of my neighbours before, regardless of nextdoor, downstairs, upstairs whether with children or single or with old folks. The walls must be so thick, good enough to keep all our privacy within our walls. Great! Perfect!."
So in my last 1 and a half years here, I let myself go... A small tickle leads to a SUPER loud laugh.. A small smack on my hand leads to a SUPER loud scream... Boy i've screamed... Not out of passionate love making or anything of the sort but out of the smallest trivial thing, like Narrrling jumping out in front of me, Narrrling staying in the bathroom too long, Narrrling putting my pendant necklace on his head and calling himself a Starchild and me the Starbuck... All these time i've lived here, I've never heard a single sound from any of my neighbours. Until recently...
My neighbour upstairs moved in. It started with us hearing things being moved around in the middle of the night. We heard footsteps directly overhead, running, walking and people pushing back their chairs. Then it got worse, things would drop suddenly in the middle of the night and Narrrling and I would wake up suprised. Or sometimes, our neighbours above would sound like they're doing aerobics and we hear a consistent stomping noise... Noises like these happens ocassionally and we've always dismissed them without really registering what it means.. But yet, this noise got more and more frequent, and constantly starting only late at night..
The story then takes us to last night... Narrrling and I had a Nip Tuck marathon last weekend. We watched the whole season 3 of Nip Tuck, one after another over the weekend and by Sunday night, we were both convinced that plastic surgery is the way to go ahead and getting a liposuction is as normal as waxing our armpit.. As we were trying to outdo each other with how many kilo of fats we could each suck out of our bulging middle, the noise upstairs started again. The usual furniture dragging, things falling on the ground suddenly with a loud thud thud thud and then some consistent stomping noise like they've suddenly decided to do aerobics in the middle of the night...
We both looked up irritated and I started complaining about them. After about a minute of old lady's ranting and complaining, we both forgot about the earlier topic of liposuction and decided to go to bed.. I got up and walked to my dressing room to prepare for bed.. As i started smacking on my night cream, I noticed that the noise from upstairs is much clearer and louder from this room. That was when i heard for the first time, in between the loud stompings, there was a lighter sound.. I thought it sounded very much... like... a.... like...a.... Whip!
OH MY GOD! They're having an S & M party up there!! I called out to Narrrling and told him what i thought it was... and to my suprise, Narrrling came in with a very serious look and an empty glass which he pressed to the wall! Then, very carefully he pressed his ear to the edge of the glass...I was left stunned for a few minutes when i saw Narrrling standing by the wall with his ears on a glass like a PROFESSIONAL snoop...
After a while, i thought,
"Damn!" I ran outside and got myself a glass too and ran back into the room and pressed it to the wall next to Narrrling... Upon putting my ears in position, i heard music, some trance music.. then once in a while, some moaning-ish kind of sound that weren't too loud but loudest of all, the consistent thumping... Narrrling and I stood with our ears to the wall for a while and then got bored because all we heard was the same thing over and over again... With our imaginations running wild, we both decided to go to bed... Above us in our own bedroom, we heard yet another set of loud thumping coming from above... Narrrling went,
"Another one?".."Must be an orgy!" Jokingly i continued,
"You want to go upstairs and join them?"Narrrling's face suddenly lighted up all too fast and said,
"What if i went upstairs and found a group of girls wearing a strap-on doing each other because there was not enough men?"
I stared at Narrrling and said in an artificial tone,
"Wow, wouldn't that be JUST your lucky day??!!"
At that, Narrrrling suddenly realised what he had just said out loud and and snapped out of his fantasy... I laughed very hard and Narrrling grew deep red in the face... What a way to discover your hubby's wildest fantasy!...
The night went on and so did the thudding and thumping and humping.. At some point, some people must be reaching a climax because it got REALLY loud and then silence... The party probably ended about 2 am.. The thudding and thumping went on for a whopping 2 hours plus... Boy, that must have been some wild night for those girls and their strap ons......Can i get an invitation the next time around?
The moral of the story is, beware, walls are always thinner than you think they are.. and the most ordinary people can one day suprise you with their hidden talent and aspirations, what with Narrrling and the professional glass snooping method and girls with strap ons... I need to sit down...
Bear & Brad..
Pooh! Pooh! All the hours of internet researching and camera manual reading cannot compare to a 2 minute casual tip from a real professional. I did it! I made Teddy's background go blurr, giving him just a tad more attention compared to Brad in the blurred background...

To those who wants to know how this is done, very important is that you have to first repeat after me,
"To hell with all the manuals and internet research! TOTAL waste of TIME!!"...Then give yourself 2 seconds to cool down, reach out for that camera of yours and do the following... just select the AV (Aperture Priority) feature on your camera and numerically adjust it to as low as u can (2.7 or about there)... walk as far away from your object as possible... focus and zoom in to your object using your camera's zoom feature... make sure the background of your object is as far away as possible.. then snap your picture.. as easy as that! Cheers! Congratulate me! My first new year resolution fulfilled!
The Path of the Afterlife...
I was watching this British sci-fi TV series called, "Torchwood" recently about a group of investigators working for a secret organization called Torchwood, who deals with alien technology, alien crime or anything that has to do with aliens..
In one episode, they had this alien equipment that can bring a dead person back to life for a few minutes. Yes, just a few minutes. So right after they asked the guy who killed him, they had nothing much to say anymore to the dead guy so just to make some converstaion, they asked him,
"So what's in the after life? What do you see after you die?"... The dead guy look confused for a while, looked back at them and finally said,
"Nothing.. Nothing at all.. Just darkness..."...When i saw that, i thought, Whoa... a lot of people is NOT going to be happy seeing THAT on TV.. especially those with strong believes in the afterlife.. Heaven and hell, reincarnation, the light at the end of the tunnel, the pathway to heaven, the chinese bullhead with a horseface, the angels of death....etc..
Now in previous
blogs, I mentioned before that I am a fence sitter.. never wanting to really take sides when it comes to religion... In secrecy, sometimes I wish there really is nothing after we die... I find it rather tiring to have yet another circus to perform in after this one. What? I have to learn to play the harps now? or or.. What? I have to lie here while you gut me out because i took 50 cents from my mother's purse when i was 8 because i wanted to buy myself a packet of Chickadees?
I don't know.. maybe when i grow older, I'd appreciate this thought of having an afterlife... Somehow I don't think I am the only person in this world who secretly thinks that maybe this darkness thing after death is somewhat what's best for us.. What do you think?
Or are you a strong believer of this?...

A light at the end of the tunnel..

A stairway to heaven...